Friday, 1 February 2013

Resources for Chemical Engineers

  • ChemClub.Com
    "ChemClub.Com is a world chemistry community featuring an index of scientific publications, an index of scientific websites, an online news site and a chemistry search engine (ChemFinder)."
  • ChemDex
    This site comes from the chemistry department of the University of Sheffield, and is a very organised site with many links to other chemistry resources. From here you can find information on universities and institutions, chemical companies and government bodies. ChemDex is the home of WebElements, one of the most popular periodic tables on the Web. ChemDex-UK, also searchable from this site is a directory of staff working at UK chemistry departments.
  • ChemFinder
    This site is one of the best places to start looking for chemical data. ChemFinder indexes many hundreds of Web sites that contain actual chemical data. You can also search by CAS Registry Number, which is the most effective way of searching for any chemical substance.
    A worldwide search engine of the chemical industry
  • Chemsoc
    Hosted by the Royal Society of Chemistry, this is the home of the international chemical societies' electronic network. From here you can find extensive chemical education resources, information on conferences and meetings, jobs and careers, and many links to other sites. Chembytes is an on-line magazine, providing specially-commissioned feature articles for the website plus business and science news. The site also contains Visual Elements, a most striking representation of the periodical table. You can click on the element you are interested in to find a full description of that element plus useful physical property data.
  • ChemSpider
    ChemSpider makes available a database of chemical structures and related properties as well as providing access to a series of property prediction algorithms.
    "At ChemSpy you can search different search engines, find chemistry and chemical engineering related terms, definitions, synonyms, acronyms and abbreviations. Search forms are available for finding MSDS/safety data, and physical data of chemical compounds."
  • ChemWeb
    Chemweb is a "worldwide club for the chemical industry". It is a commercial venture. You need to register to access the site - registration is free. However, access to many of the databases are charged for. ChemWeb has excellent links to electronic journals (some of which are free), jobs, software products, meetings and conferences.
  • eFluids
    A free one-stop resource for fluid dynamics and flow engineering.
  • eFunda: Engineering Fundamentals
    This is a guide to engineering fundamentals, including formulae, materials, processes and unit conversion tools.
  • Engineer Live
    Daily news and product information. Register for free to access the full range of publications.
    A comprehensive online resource designed for all disciplines of engineering, simply select the area you are interested in.
  • HelpEngine
    "This site has been designed to help Engineering Students find the right information quickly. It is not an exhaustive list of engineering related sites, but a selective choice which identifies some of the most informative and useful sources of information."
  • ICIS search
    One of the better sites for chemical business which lists chemical companies, their products, trade associations, people, news, comments and chemical profiles.
  • National Engineering Education Delivery Systems
    NEEDS The National Engineering Education Delivery System is a digital library of learning resources for engineering education. NEEDS provides web-based access to a database of learning resources where the user (whether they be learners or instructors) can search for, locate, download, and comment on resources to aid their learning or teaching process.
  • is a gateway to authoritative selected science information provided by U.S. Government agencies, including research and development results.
  • Scientific American
    Scientific American, the oldest continuously published magazine in the U.S., has been bringing its readers unique insights about developments in science and technology for more than 150 years. It has grown into a dynamic resource that includes articles from current and past issues, online-only features, daily news, trivia and weekly polls. Visitors to the site also have access to Scientific American Careers, the career board for professionals in the science and technology industries; Scientific American Digital, which houses downloadable issues of the magazine from 1993 to the present; a bookstore, shop and much more.
  • Toxnet
    This site comes from the US National Library of Medicine. It's databases cover toxicology data, toxicology literature, toxic release information and chemical information. Of note is the Hazardous Substances Data Bank, which is an evaluated databank of 4,500 potentially hazardous substances.
  • is an online publisher of free books. You can download the books for free and without providing any personal details. The books are provided in PDF so that you can print the books and/or read them offline. In the books there are relevant advertisements on every third page on average.
  • Science
    Free registration provides access to the full text of Science research articles from 1991 until after 1 year of publication. It also allows you to sign up for e-mail alerts.
  • ePower-Propulsion
    A free one-stop resource for power, propulsion and combustion engineering.
  • Intute: science, engineering & technology
    Intute: Science, Engineering and Technology is a free online service providing the very best Web resources for education and research, evaluated and selected by a network of subject specialists. It covers the physical sciences, engineering, computing, geography, mathematics and environmental science. (Formerly known as EEVL, GESource and PSIGate).
    Provides access to all the major subject information gateways which use a selection criteria before they decide to include a site in their catalogue.
  • TechXtra
    "TechXtra is a free service which can help you find articles, books, the best websites, the latest industry news, job announcements, technical reports, technical data, full text eprints, the latest research, thesis & dissertations, teaching and learning resources and more, in engineering, mathematics and computing."
  • WWW Virtual Library: Chemical Engineering
    Gateway to many other web pages on chemical engineering.
  • American Chemical Society
    Website of the American Chemical Society. It has a wide selection of resources including searchable directories and databases, information on chemical education, news and comments.
  • CEFIC: European Chemical Industry Council
    The section on economics and statistics gives a wide range of information on the chemical industry in Europe.
  • Chemical Heritage Foundation
    This site, established by the ACS and American Institute of Chemical Engineers, has a useful list of websites concerned with the history of chemistry.
  • Engineering Council UK
    The coordinating body for engineering in Britain which brings together 35 engineering institutions.
  • Content Online Standards list
    A collection of links to resources on the web, many of which provide access to a range of standards and related information FREE OF CHARGE
  • esp@cenet
    Europe's network of patent databases.
  • European Patent Office
    Organisation concerned with the development of a uniform patent system in Europe.
  • Free Patents Online
    The site includes the full text of US patents from number 3930271 to 6957446 (most patents before 4,000,000 exist only as images, not searchable text), US applications from US APP 20010000001 to US APP 20050229280, and European Patents (B1) EP1200000 to EP1561423. As more patents are published they are added.
  • Patent Lens
    You can use Patent Lens to search the full-text of over 8 million patents and applications. Data is updated weekly with bulk data obtained through subscriptions with WIPO, USPTO, EPO and IP Australia.
  • UK Intellectual Property Office
    Information on copyright, designs, patents and trademarks.
  • US Patent and Trade Mark Office

  • Institution of Chemical Engineers: IChemE
    IChemE is a leading international body, providing services for and representing the interests of those involved in chemical, biochemical and process engineering world-wide.
  • Intute: Virtual Training Suite
    The Intute Virtual Training Suite is a set of online tutorials, divided into different subject areas, designed to help students improve their Internet information skills. The tutorials take around an hour each to complete and include quizzes and interactive exercises to lighten the learning experience.
  • Web Research Guide
    Tips from the company who produce the database "Science Direct" on how to find quality web resources for your research.
  • Athenus
    A search engine for scientists and engineers.
  • Google Scholar
    Google Scholar enables you to search specifically for scholarly literature, including peer-reviewed papers, theses, books, preprints, abstracts and technical reports from all broad areas of research.

    Remember that journal articles found via Google Scholar may be available free of charge to Teesside University students and staff by setting up the "Find it @ Tees" link via Scholar Preferences.
  • Scirus
    Scirus is a comprehensive science-specific search engine available on the Internet. It enables scientists, students and anyone searching for scientific information to chart and pinpoint data, locate university sites and find reports and articles quickly and easily. Targets sites that conventional search engines cannot find, such as university Web sites and author homepages. Searches both free and journal sources, and locates peer-reviewed articles.
  • BSI Education
    Students, lecturers and researchers looking for guidance on British Standards and related matters will find relevant information on these pages as well as links to other sources.
  • CalculatorEdge
    Online free engineering calculators for engineers and students.
  • Dictionary of Units of Measurement
    Written by Russ Rowlett, Center for Mathematics and Science Education University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
  • Fuel Cell Initiative
    From the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE International). The latest books, magazine articles, events and much more on fuel cell energy and fuel cell vehicles.
  • Macrogalleria
    Contains a wealth of information on all aspects of polymers - their physical properties, how they are used, their structures, chemical properties, how they are made, and so on.
  • Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDSs)
    This site explains what material safety data sheets are, and lists 60 or so free sites with compilations of MSDSs.
  • Mathcentre
    "Mathcentre offers students and university staff free-standing help leaflets on basic topics which are known to cause problems. For a more in-depth treatment there are also teach-yourself workbooks with plenty of worked examples, explanations and exercises"
  • Mathshelp: working with vectors
    "Jenny Olive, author of "Maths, a student's survival guide ; a self help workbook for science and engineering students" (2003) provides extensive extracts from her book on this web site, plus supplementary material. Aimed at first year engineering undergraduates, this online chapter deals with vectors. There is also a link to pages on working with percentages." (EEVL)
    "An annotated collection of links to scientific & engineering resources which use, or relate to, computer programming languages including MATLAB, Scientific C/C++, Scientific Fortran, Scientific Java & Visual Basic. Free registration is required."
  • Oil and Gas International
    Information and news about the oil and gas industry.

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