Very good talk on how feminist arguments are used to justify imperial wars. She
starts from war on Afghanistan the so called war on terror and to the time of
napoleon’s invasion on Egypt. She particularly through the cultural articrafts
like paintings, movies, documentaries a
very narrow view of Muslim world is created where women are showed as passive,
women groups in these countries are not recognised and as “half terror – half
victim”. I particularly liked that unlike some anti-imperialistists she didn’t
fall into cultural relativist arguments but argued for global feminist movement
where there is no hierarchy and western feminists are not considered as
vanguards but as equals.
We need to expand this notion to include intersectionality
of different modes of oppression like patriarchy, casteism, class, race etc and
integrate into a a single movement if not there will be a chance that in
opposing a particular form oppression one may strengthen other forms of