Recently I had a discussion about the criticism of astrology
by rationalists. Off course he did know that astrology is a pseudoscience but
his problem was with why we should criticise them?
His question was as
// Question: Why do
we have a problem with astrology? The profession is founded on nonsensical
principles but an astrologer can be a productive and useful member of society.
He/she earns an income, providing what is seen as a service. He/she pays taxes, and consumes goods and uses services with that income, thus providing direct and indirect employment to multiple people (like anybody else with an income). An astrologer is specifically useful in boosting activity in the gems and jewellery related sector - call it a marketing channel for that industry. Arguably astrologers also add to the happiness quotient.
Why is this service seen as different by Nirmuktaites from say, fashion models who sell clothes, or interior decorators, or any of a dozen other service professions?//
He/she earns an income, providing what is seen as a service. He/she pays taxes, and consumes goods and uses services with that income, thus providing direct and indirect employment to multiple people (like anybody else with an income). An astrologer is specifically useful in boosting activity in the gems and jewellery related sector - call it a marketing channel for that industry. Arguably astrologers also add to the happiness quotient.
Why is this service seen as different by Nirmuktaites from say, fashion models who sell clothes, or interior decorators, or any of a dozen other service professions?//
(Nirmukta is a freethought community in India which promote
scientific ,secular humanism and similar values see and this discussion took
place in facebook page of nirmukta see¬if_t=group_comment_reply
for discussion page )
My reply is given
Before taking up the problems I face with astrology I want
to answer a general question implicitly raised by you. The question is if
somebody is providing a service and people are ok with it why one should
question it? Are they not satisfying the needs of people? Therefore doing a
service to the people? But as it explained below in the excerpt from a
discussion on markets we need to note that the preferences of people are not
constant and unchanging they are made shaped by their interaction with the
world? The service provider tries to changes the preference of the individuals
through advertisements etc which may create false beliefs which may affect the
behaviour of individuals in other contexts. For examples the promoters of
fairness cream promote it by creating racist views like being white is superior
to other colour and skin colour is important part of one’s personality etc.
//As critics of
markets point out, markets may be efficient in satisfying people's wants, but sometimes this may happen because they
actually shift people's preferences towards things that can easily (which often
means: profitably) be provided in markets. These are not necessarily the
preferences people would choose it they reflected about which preferences they
would like to have (cf. e.g. George 2001, who uses the metaphor of
“preference pollution”). Economic models of markets usually take individuals'
preferences as given, which makes them colour blind, as it were, to a whole
range of questions that have been raised about markets in this respect: how do
markets change individuals, their relation to one another, and their relation
to certain goods and values?// From (here
All the preferences of individuals are not equally important
and the service provided by all individuals is not equal. (See
pg 36-37 for more details.)
Problems with
First thing I respect the rights of the astrologers or anybody
to promote their beliefs within the rules of law. Also it is very clear that
astrology is a superstition and has no valid evidence.
1. It is an attempt to spread ignorance to people. As Plato
observed long ago “Ignorance is the root of all evil” i.e. our beliefs affects
our actions so it is important to have our beliefs correspond to reality if not
it will harm us and other people. It is equivalent of exploiting people using
their ignorance. It is similar to medical quackery where
2. The desire to go to the astrologer comes from the
irrational fear that is created by believing in astrology. Astrologers are not
just satisfying the needs of people these needs themselves are created by them
(and others). So they don’t get real solutions and it will mislead them especially
when they take major decisions about marriage, business etc. people go to
astrologer because they believe that astrology can help them in solving the
problems of their life. So their main intention is to solve those problems so
by showing how astrology is false and making them to look at the issues causing
their problem we help them to solve their problems. The benefit created by the
astrologers is very much less than the harm being done by them
3. Gems, jewellery
and astrology: It is very interesting to note how the concept of gem therapy
associated with astrology. When all these pseudoscience related to gem therapy
started to became popular it got associated with astrology. Instead of selling
their quackery as a separate pseudoscience Gem therapists attached to astrology
because since astrology is associated with Hindu religion and “Indian culture”
they get a kind of double immunity. On the one hand they used the language of
science and the other culture and religion. Much such nonsense like Rekhi etc are
propagated in this way.
4. Also my criticism of astrology is made from the boarder
perspective of encourage people to question things, developing critical
thinking skills etc. so when people hear our criticism of astrology they will
not only understand the lack of evidence for astrology but develop skills to
identify other pseudoscience.
As per the issues like fashion models etc as I explained I do
criticise them when they promote ideas that are harmful to society. For example
skin lotion and creams which promote racist white supremacist ideas related to
skin colour or film industry objectify women and make movies that justify patriarchal
and similar oppressive power structures.